
A selection of recent testimonials

Recent Testimonials

“FYI – what you really did for me was:

  1. A) took on the outsourcing role of securing senior debt funding – enabling my case to be put forward to banks with a higher degree of professionalism and accuracy than we could ourselves
  2. B) arranged mezzanine funding at a rate that is considerably more competitive than equity/partnership and therefore dramatically increasing the IRR for me”
Major Successful Gold Coast Developer

“Hi Paul,

The quality of your IMs is very good. We see a lot of broker deals and your submission would be top 2%”

“If you deal with 50 brokers or fewer, I’m satisfied with that stat”

“It’s fewer than 50”

Leading Property Debt Fund

“Fincierge (you, Paul and Steve) are held in such a high regard within <leading property debt fund>.

You are the benchmark for what brokers should be….and so few are….”

Leading Property Debt Fund

“We have been working with Chris, Paul and the team for 5 years now and during that time Fincierge has become a critical part of our business.  The proposals brought to us have been diligently reviewed and the information laid out purposefully and clearly.  Definitely a trusted member of our professional team, we know that Fincierge always ensures our interests are paramount”

HNW Individual Private Lender

“Fincierge has been critical to the growth of our business. They have been a reliable partner in sourcing capital for our projects at competitive rates, and with practical terms. They understand property development and the importance of a stable source of funds, and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Fincierge to other developers” 

Major SEQ Land Developer

Get in touch.

Chris Wright

P: 0414 535 451
E: chris@fincierge.com.au

Paul Bell

P: 0409 810 161
E: paul@fincierge.com.au